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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Who Knew?

(Just pretend like this is a picture of our new mattress.) We got a new mattress a few months ago and it is the best purchase that we have ever made. We had been sleep on Spencer's mattress that he has had since he was eight years old. It was done and I was done with it. I sleep so much better now, it is warmer, I can sit on the edge without falling off, and my back doesn't hurt when I get up in the morning. Who knew that it would make such a big difference. We should have spent this money a year ago! It makes me grateful that I have a roof over my head and a nice warm bed to sleep in. What else do you need in life?

1 comment:

  1. That's great you guys got a new bed! It makes all the difference in how I sleep I think. Mike and I were on an air mattress the first month of marriage, haha! I loved this line "I can sit on the edge without falling off" hahaha!
