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Sunday, March 18, 2012

"On Road Redwood"

I never thought that I would go to Furniture Warehouse because of their annoying TV commercials. I know a lot of people feel the same way. We were on our way to the tumbling meet in Kearns and past their sign that said they are going out of business in nine days. We thought we would go and look after the meet to see if we could find anything for really cheap. Everything was 80 percent off! We got four things that would have cost us over $3,000 for $1,000 (a chair, server, table and chairs, and a sweet lamp). We were so excited and I love the stuff that we found. For those of you that don't know we are going to be moving in July. The problem is we don't have a lot of furniture because we haven't needed it yet. We are trying to get the essentials cheap, but still good quality so it will last awhile. I am getting more and more excited everyday to decorate my own place and I know I will get a lot of ideas off of pinterest. If anyone has ideas please send them my way.

The best part of the shopping day was on the way home. We had a hard time getting everything loaded because Spencer kept helping other people so we were pushed back in the line. Once we got it loaded, that is when the true fun began. It was really windy and rainy so we tried to cover everything with plastic and blankets. Once we got on the freeway the server fell into the boxes with the table parts in them and the straps came really loose. We had to pull over to the side and try and fix everything. Yes, we were those lame people on the side of the road. haha. We got everything fixed and decided to get off the freeway on State Street and take the back roads home. We made it home safe and had a fun night of putting everything together. Good thing we didn't wait until we moved in July though, we had two right legs to one of the chairs. We couldn't even put it together. We went the next day and they let us change it for another chair that they had there. Here are some pictures of the finished products. It looks random in our game room but will be perfect for our new apartment.

Here is a cute picture from the tumbling meet. I have some movies but I don't know how to upload them onto blogger. Can anyone help me?

1 comment:

  1. What a great deal! I am in love with that chair!!! Everything is really nice, I'm glad you found a good deal. For videos, there is a little video button kind of right next to the button you push to upload photos. You can then upload straight from your camera. FOr some reason it takes FOREVER with my camera, or maybe it is just blogger, so I upload mine to Youtube, then upload it in to blogger. I'll show you the next time we get together. Which is... when? What are you guys up to next weekend? Do you want to come to our place for dinner Saturday or Sunday night maybe?
