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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grease is the Word

Who remembers this movie? I don't know why but I loved watching this as a child. It was right up there with The Parent Trap. I would just watch it over and over again and never get sick of it. I think those are the things that I remember from my childhood the most. Who can forget something that they did 100 plus times? I would hope no one. Anyway, we went to see Spencer's cousins in the play at the jr. high and they were performing Grease. They had a full house and we had to wait a half hour to get our tickets. His aunt also did a lot for the play I want to stay that she was the assisant producer but don't quote me on that. Catherine Jensen, one of my mission companions, came with us and it was good to see her again. She is probably my closest friend that I have living here in Salt Lake. I can always count on her if I am having a bad day. It was such a cute play and it brought back all those memories from my childhood and actually made me want to watch it again. 

The famous people, as I like to call them. (Emily, Allison, and Kayla)

1 comment:

  1. I freaking LOVE Grease! I would die to see the play in real life, even if it was just high school kids performing it.
