Lindsey came to Utah and that meant that we had to plan a time that we could all get together. I love these girls (and Kellie) because we could sit and talk for hours and still have more to talk about. We have been friends for so long that it makes it so much easier because we know each other so well. It was so fun to catch up since she had been here in December and Macee is getting so big! We are all so busy in our lives and so much is going on. It was funny because we were deciding on a place to go and I said Subway because I haven't been there in awhile and Linds said Zupas. Whit said that we were going to have to fight it out but I said I didn't care that much so I will let Linds win this one. Whit didn't have much time because she just left work during her lunch break. After she left we went to see my car but ended up talking for another hour while cute little Macee slept in her car seat. Thanks Linds for making time for us in your busy schedule while you were here.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
"On Road Redwood"
I never thought that I would go to Furniture Warehouse because of their annoying TV commercials. I know a lot of people feel the same way. We were on our way to the tumbling meet in Kearns and past their sign that said they are going out of business in nine days. We thought we would go and look after the meet to see if we could find anything for really cheap. Everything was 80 percent off! We got four things that would have cost us over $3,000 for $1,000 (a chair, server, table and chairs, and a sweet lamp). We were so excited and I love the stuff that we found. For those of you that don't know we are going to be moving in July. The problem is we don't have a lot of furniture because we haven't needed it yet. We are trying to get the essentials cheap, but still good quality so it will last awhile. I am getting more and more excited everyday to decorate my own place and I know I will get a lot of ideas off of pinterest. If anyone has ideas please send them my way.
The best part of the shopping day was on the way home. We had a hard time getting everything loaded because Spencer kept helping other people so we were pushed back in the line. Once we got it loaded, that is when the true fun began. It was really windy and rainy so we tried to cover everything with plastic and blankets. Once we got on the freeway the server fell into the boxes with the table parts in them and the straps came really loose. We had to pull over to the side and try and fix everything. Yes, we were those lame people on the side of the road. haha. We got everything fixed and decided to get off the freeway on State Street and take the back roads home. We made it home safe and had a fun night of putting everything together. Good thing we didn't wait until we moved in July though, we had two right legs to one of the chairs. We couldn't even put it together. We went the next day and they let us change it for another chair that they had there. Here are some pictures of the finished products. It looks random in our game room but will be perfect for our new apartment.
Here is a cute picture from the tumbling meet. I have some movies but I don't know how to upload them onto blogger. Can anyone help me?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Who Knew?
(Just pretend like this is a picture of our new mattress.) We got a new mattress a few months ago and it is the best purchase that we have ever made. We had been sleep on Spencer's mattress that he has had since he was eight years old. It was done and I was done with it. I sleep so much better now, it is warmer, I can sit on the edge without falling off, and my back doesn't hurt when I get up in the morning. Who knew that it would make such a big difference. We should have spent this money a year ago! It makes me grateful that I have a roof over my head and a nice warm bed to sleep in. What else do you need in life?
Grease is the Word
Who remembers this movie? I don't know why but I loved watching this as a child. It was right up there with The Parent Trap. I would just watch it over and over again and never get sick of it. I think those are the things that I remember from my childhood the most. Who can forget something that they did 100 plus times? I would hope no one. Anyway, we went to see Spencer's cousins in the play at the jr. high and they were performing Grease. They had a full house and we had to wait a half hour to get our tickets. His aunt also did a lot for the play I want to stay that she was the assisant producer but don't quote me on that. Catherine Jensen, one of my mission companions, came with us and it was good to see her again. She is probably my closest friend that I have living here in Salt Lake. I can always count on her if I am having a bad day. It was such a cute play and it brought back all those memories from my childhood and actually made me want to watch it again.
The famous people, as I like to call them. (Emily, Allison, and Kayla)
Rodney's Wedding
This past weekend we were able to go to Spencer's Uncle's Wedding. This is his second wedding so it wasn't like the usual wedding that I am used to going to with young couples around my age. They are so cute together and you can tell they are in love. They are perfect for each other (well at least the things that I know about them). They lived in St. George and that is where they met and just moved here shortly before the wedding.
We started on Friday by helping set up tables and decorating. I used to want to own my own reception center and I love this kind of stuff so we stayed for awhile to make sure everything looked perfect. I don't even want to think about how many bows I tied. Then that night we had a dinner at the Country Club. It was really good, fancy food. I ended up getting something with chicken in it and Spencer got prime rib. When his came out the first time it looked like it was still alive and he sent it back to get more cooked. We sat with Ryan and Taylor at the dinner and they were bored most of the time but we had fun still.

Introducing the bride and groom for the first time: Rodney and Suzanne Hafer!
The toast....
Cutting the cake....
A quick family picture.
We started on Friday by helping set up tables and decorating. I used to want to own my own reception center and I love this kind of stuff so we stayed for awhile to make sure everything looked perfect. I don't even want to think about how many bows I tied. Then that night we had a dinner at the Country Club. It was really good, fancy food. I ended up getting something with chicken in it and Spencer got prime rib. When his came out the first time it looked like it was still alive and he sent it back to get more cooked. We sat with Ryan and Taylor at the dinner and they were bored most of the time but we had fun still.
Then the next day was the wedding. We got there five minutes before the bride walked out, talk about perfect timing. We had fun dancing, eating, and just talking to people that we hadn't seen for awhile. I had never been to a wedding outside the church so it was really interesting to see. I was thinking the whole day, what is going to happen next. I feel like such a freak saying that. haha. Spencer brought his shoes from our wedding and his grandpa put them on for dancing. He is such a funny guy.
Introducing the bride and groom for the first time: Rodney and Suzanne Hafer!
The toast....
Cutting the cake....
A quick family picture.
Congrats to the new couple. I hope you guy have fun in Jamaica. We are so excited for you guys.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Before and After of Charles
And after..... My car has been needing a paint job for awhile! It was starting to get to the point where it was starting to rust. So we used our babysitting money to get him looking good again. Oh yeah, he also got a new name... Charles. haha. Spencer's car is more like a girl because it doesn't have any power because it is a hybrid. So my car had to be the boy or at least that is what we decided because he is older and has more power.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Skinners
This past week we were babysitter for Spencer's cousins. His aunt and uncle went on a cruise with his family for eight days and needed someone to watch their kids. We were perfect because our schedules are so opposite that one of us could always stay home with the kids. We had a really fun time with all four kids ranging from age 8 to 17, but I can for sure wait to have four kids. One I could maybe handle, but going straight to four was a little harder. haha. I think their mom is constantly cleaning. Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs out there. If anyone doesn't agree they should do this for a week and I am sure that they would change their minds. I could clean the house and then 10 minutes later it would be messy again. Enough of that, so anyway we planned a lot of fun activities to keep them busy, that is of course after their homework was done. We went to a University of Utah gymnastics meet. I found something online that said if you wore pink that you could get in for free. The girls loved it and the best part was they won. Kelsey loved cheering the whole time and the old man in front of us kept looking at us like are you going to stop this girl? She was just having a good time! Here are a few pictures from the fun, laugh, and food filled night.
Megan and Kelsey |
Megan, Kelsey, Spencer, and Lexie |
Jan and Megan |
We were up pretty high but we could still see pretty well. |
Then it was Lexie's birthday and we wanted it to be special because her parents were gone. We decided to make her this cake. The cupcakes were supposed to be different colors but she wanted chocolate cake. I still think it turned out really cute and the kids loved it so that made it all worth it. Happy Birthday Lexie! And Happy Anniversary to us! We share March 4th as our special day. The best part of our stay was trying to buy a birthday present for an eight year old because Lexie got invited to a birthday party. How am I supposed to know what eight year old girls like? Luckily I had Spencer's other aunt, Alicia, to go with. We didn't get any pictures of the older boys. They were too busy playing games with Spencer until late at night. They invited friends over every night and had a good time while I got the girls in bed.
We had a really good time and would do it again in a heartbeat. The kids were helpful and listened very well. Sunday we were very tired and ready to come home and just relax!
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