Here is a great picture that can explain the whole trip. This is what it looked like everywhere we went. There was never a boring minute because there was always someone to do something with.
This is where we stayed the first night. It was right in the airport which made it really easy to leave in the morning to get on the ship. It was so pretty and we were all the way on the tenth floor. Here is what it looked like from our balcony.
I finally found time to write about our Disney Cruise! It was so much fun and it was nice to get away from everyday activities and treat ourselves everyday to ice cream. When people say that you eat a lot on a cruise, that is a total understatement. I felt like all we did was eat and swim or other water activities. There wasn't any cleaning, work, or just the little things that consume our lives everyday. We went with Spencer's whole family, all 36 of them. This was a Christmas gift from grandma and grandpa Gygi. Everyone has been counting down the days and it was finally here. Since they had been on a couple in the past they knew exactly what to do in order to make the best of our time. We made sure to carry our swimming suits with us so that we could get straight into the pool while we were waiting for our other baggage. Everyone has been telling us about the Aquaduck slide that goes outside the boat and then comes back and circles around. It was really fun and the best part was we remembered our suits so there was a short line!

There was always something to do on the ship. It is a tradition to go to the shows at night. They were so cool. One my favorites was the comedy night with Alfred and Seymour. I laughed so hard! One night we found them and asked if we could get a picture with them. They told us that they might me coming to Utah soon. We both would love to see them again. Most of the time we hung out in the D lounge, this was a place for the whole family. We played a lot of games and won every time we played because the size of our family we had everything that we needed. It was a fun way for me to get to know the family better. Our favorite thing was bingo! Spencer's uncle won three different times! It was fun for me to just go and watch. Then there was a baby race, it was so funny to watch. Most of them just sat there but one little boy knew what he was doing and went straight to his mom. Who would think of an idea like this?

Here is a picture of the big ship. This is the new one that they started doing in January of this year (Dream). It was the biggest ship that I'd ever been on. We were on the the tenth deck at the back. We had a balcony that made it fun because we opened it so that we could be connected with the rest of the family. Everyone could come and visit without having to leave their rooms.

After the cute sailing away party, and traveling through the night, our first stop was Castaway Cay. We were woken up with the boat trying to dock, man was it loud! This is Disney's own private island. It was a relaxing place to: swim, snorkel, build sand castles, ride bikes, play volleyball, and last of all get a nice sunburn. It was fun to go snorkeling and see all the big fish! I hadn't ever been in such clear water where I could see so deep. I wanted to go and touch them but the salt water in my mouth wouldn't be worth it! They really fixed this island up with a nice white sand beach. On our bike ride we were able to see the rest of the island and it wasn't that pretty in the middle where they hadn't done work to fix it up. Not a lot of people actually see that part of the island though. We also stopped here on the way home also but we were all a little more tired the second time around and most of us just sat and enjoyed the great weather.

Our second stop was Nassau, the biggest island in the Bahamas. We were told that there was a lot of great shopping on the island so that was the first thing I wanted to do. It reminded me a lot of Mexico with cheap stuff that you can usually get for less if you just pretend that you don't really need or want it. Here it was in one big white tent with spots that they rented that went clear to the ceiling of the tent, it was really tall! Spencer got three great traveling shirts to add to his wardrobe, he loves his traveling shirts. I got a magnet, my favorite thing to do is find the most unique one out there that I won't see on any other fridge. I think I accomplished my goal, we found a flamingo and it is way cute and unique for sure.

After shopping it was off to scuba diving. It was Michelle, Christina, and my first time. We got on a bus that would take us to the place where we would do our first dive. On the way there Jason said, "Well we're not in Kansas anymore." The guy behind him started to laugh and said, "I'm from Kansas!" We all laughed for awhile about that. How often does that really happen? What he meant by that was they could take us where ever they want and we would have no idea. We were in a foreign land and just had to trust others. It was about a 40 minute drive and I never got used to the fact that they drive on the wrong side of the road. It was weird....but we got there in no time and then it was time to dive! Our first one went down to 90 feet. There was a coral reef wall that went from 6 feet to 6000 feet. There was no end. Michelle was funny to watch, she just wanted to touch everything and keep going lower and lower. Our second dive was by a plane and boat crash. It was neat to touch all the coral and see what would happen. One of them that the guide showed me attached onto your hand. It felt so weird. Spencer's favorite were the things that looked like little christmas trees. Now I want to go diving again. There is so much to see underwater, it is like a whole new world.
This was such a fun trip! Thanks grandma and grandpa for all that you do for us. You guys are the best!