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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Four Months

Our big boy is growing up so fast! I can't even believe that he is already four months old! He can now roll from his belly to his back whenever he wants to of course and has rolled once from his back to his belly. He has found his tongue and loves to copy what we do. He loves being talked to and tries to answer back when you stop talking. He loves moving around on the floor, especially when he has a blanket to play with. He has started playing with his favorite football and holds on until you take it away. He loves to put everything in in mouth and when it doesn't fit he gets frustrated. It is so fun to watch him try new things and brings joy into our lives everyday. At his four month appointment he weighed 18 pounds 2 ounces (93rd percentile), 27.5 inches long (98th percentile), and his head measured 46 centimeters (99th percentile).  He is already wearing 6-9 month clothing. He is a big baby and we love it!

Playing Mary and Joseph in our ward nativity scene. We learned that we are
a sports family, not an acting family! 

Blake and Kaden on Thanksgiving

Cutest Aggie Fan

It is so fun to see how much he has changed in only four short months


  1. Oh how I LOVE him!!! He is getting so big. I'm pretty sure Log was 18 lbs at his 6 month appointment. Haha! Such a wonderful big boy. I can't wait to see him again!!!

  2. Such cute pictures! I love how Kaden and Blake are holding each other up on the couch. Classic! I can't believe our babies are growing up so fast! But I am definitely loving this stage.
