I can't believe that Kaden is already five months old. I hope by the time he is six months old I will have done a post about Spencer and I and what we have been up to. Right now is the busy time at the gym and I am so tired by the time Kaden goes to bed I usually end up falling asleep on the couch. It has made time so by really quickly, I just need to sit back and enjoy what is going on in my personal life. Sometimes I forget to do that and I don't want to miss anything. Kaden has found his toes and loves playing with them! He loves playing with his toys if we just lay him on the floor now, rolls to his belly every time we put him on his back and gets frustrated when he can't crawl and we have to help him roll back over, talks to people all the time we call him our little social baby and turns when they start talking to him because he is shy, puts everything in his mouth, and his new favorite song is the fox song he can be freaking out and we can put that on and he will start laughing in fact that is how we got these pictures of him we put it on my phone and put it above the camera! We love him so much and are excited to start trying new foods with him.
People have always told us that Christmas is so much better once you have kids and that is so true! All he wanted to do was play with the wrapping paper, but for some reason it was just different having him there. I think next year we will stay home and do our own thing most the day. Then we won't all be tired and get in a wreak. I am even more excited for next year now because he will understand what is going on more. We have for sure forgotten what our lives were like without this sweet baby!
Christmas Eve |
Christmas Day |