This past weekend we went to Reid Ranch for the Hafer Family Reunion. We were in the middle of no where. If any of you know where Fruitland, Utah is, we were right next to that. The ride getting there was like a roller coaster with Debbie going 40 mph on a dirt road. We hit a big pot hole and my head hit the ceiling and I turned around it time to see Ryan do the same thing. We were all laughing the whole time. We were trying to get there in time for lunch. There was no cell phone service, so it was a perfect time for everyone to just sit and talk and get to know each other better. Another thing that really help was there was internet connection but it was like dial up internet, which doesn't get you very far in today's world. It was my first time meeting a lot of the Hafers so there were a lot of new faces, but they were all so nice and welcoming. Spencer hadn't seen a lot of them in over seven years so it was also fun for him to catch up. There was a lot to do: swimming with chicken fight wars, mini golf, soccer, volleyball, horseback riding, fires with the little kids performing for us, boating, and fishing. Here are some of the highlights and things I took pictures of. This is the cabin that we stayed in. It was sunny like this the whole time we were there. I was so happy that there wasn't any rain.

There were a lot of fun things to do. This is Ryan and Spencer doing archery. This was Ryan's favorite thing to do. Whenever we didn't know where he was we would just guess shooting arrows again. He got pretty good by the end of the week. Michelle actually started to make hers on the target. Let's just say everyone improved from the first day.
Then the next day we went paddle boating and fishing. The best part was looking off the top of the bridge and watching the fish swim under you. There was a strong current and so they just sat there all day swimming to keep from going downstream. They were really strong, smart fish. These are the sweet tie dye shirts that we made together and then wore them on the same day. (probably the only day I will ever wear it.)
I finally fit the yellow target! I had been trying all week. On the last day I made it and had to take a picture of it. Then I hit it a lot after that but I had to have proof. Spencer's favorite thing to do was to shoot his first arrow and then try and hit the same spot again. It was funny to watch.
Then there was horseback riding. We went every day! I love horses! The best part was it was already included in the price so we had to use it as much as we could. The horses were so trained to follow each other, all you had to do was sit there and they did the rest. This was good and bad, but any ride is worth it in my book. We had to wear life jackets to ride them. We would joke about it everytime we had to put them on. If there wasn't any water along the trail, why did we need them? It looked way funny!

We had been trying to get a game together all week: soccer, frisbee golf, volleyball, golf, or basketball. We did the ones we could without having a big group. Frisbee golf made my legs itch way bad because it was in a big weedy field! Not worth it to chase a little disc around, that's for sure. We finally worked out a big game on the last day. We challenged the staff from Reid Ranch to a volleyball game. It was funny because we had a lot of older people on our team, surprisingly, we played pretty well together. We had a big cheering section because everyone wanted to see what happened. They ended up winning up it was the most fun that we had all week just coming together and laughing. It was a good way to end a fun, relaxing week.