Well first off this is Spencer. I am not very good at this so this is just a warning. I am writing this because Jan wants me to and she is doing her homework right now and I was going to but forgot my backpack at home. I truly did forget it though. It is nice having a break from all the work Ive been doing with the end of school coming up. Anyways on to the title of the post.
So for Thanksgiving Jan and I went down to St. George with my family. We left on Wednesday and it all started out with Jans' car not starting because she had ran out of gas. So she had to have Heidi come and rescue her. It also had been snowing a ton so the drive down for her to Salt Lake was slower than normal but she got to Salt Lake safely. Meanwhile I was trying to get my family ready to leave for St George and none of them were helping. My dad was coming down later that evening with Jason and Christina (my bro and sis-in-law) so he wasn't there. My mom was trying but she still couldn't lift much from her surgery and well my little brothers were doing absolutely nothing. Not even wanting to pack. Fortunately my sister Michelle was trying to help. She was getting them to pack and bringing stuff out and trying to help me and my mom. I was very frustrated by the time Jan got to my house though and I still had a lot to pack into the suburban.
After we finally managed to get everything loaded we left just as it was starting to snow hard again. Going to make the drive great. The drive started out ok. I was driving and well it wasn't to bad at first. But after about a half of an hour I decided that we really needed to pull over and fix the car. The problem was that the windshield wipers were not working PERIOD. So I could not see because all the other cars were throwing salt and mud on the windshield making driving difficult. Now this would have been easier if it had continued to snow, but it had snowed enough to make the roads wet and then stopped. Leaving me with nothing to wipe the salt and mud off. So I pulled over and cleaned my windshield and we grabbed some lunch.
We continued driving and I only made it about 20 miles before the windshield was bad enough that I pulled over and cleaned it again. I figured this was going to be a long drive. This time though my mom ran in to buy some windshield washing fluid because it was low as well and I figured its probably frozen but this may help. This did help for a little and I was able to clean my windshield although only temporarily. Another issue arose though the cashier took a picture of my moms' credit card that she used and so my mom called and canceled her credit card.
Anyways the rest of the drive I couldn't really see. It was like driving through a blizzard and fog at the same time. Occassionally I would try throwing some fluid on the windshield while driving because I didn't want to pull over anymore though. BAD IDEA. So from time to time I pulled over on the road and splashed the windshield so I could make out where cars were on the road. I still ended up getting us to St. George in 4 1/2 hours though. I love speeding. :)
In St. George we went swimming that day and that was a nice relief. It was still cold down there although we definately had it warmer.
Thanksgiving we went to this restraunt called Switchbacks. It was a nice buffet and who doesn't want a buffet on Thanksgiving. Umm that was good. We also had a turkey bowl. Thats always a must and was fun. We won of course. This was the day that we also got a newspaper with all of the ads for the coming evening. We went through all the ads and figured out where we wanted to go and when. Most of my family thought we were nuts for going and in the end they all were jealous and wanted some stuff we got, but we will get to that later.
Black Friday. The day where people see lives flash before their eyes over sometimes small issues. I basically was a first timer though because I don't like shopping and I don't like waiting in lines. It wasn't all that bad though. We started out by hitting up Walmart at midnight. Man some people there can be freaks about legos and DVDs and things that weren't that big of a deal to fight over. I didn't like it at this point because I just didn't see the point of fighting over such small issues. Jan came out victorious though. She found and got her crock pot.
Later that morning, at 3 to be exact is when KOHL'S was opening, and don't worry we had been in line for over an hour and had good spots. So when we were allowed inside we took off looking for some presents and things we wanted. We met towards the back of the store and jumped in line. A long line at that. The line wasn't moving at all forever and Jan just kept shopping. I stood in line and she went about finding more cool deals. I eventually had my turn and found some stuff. We left there and went to Radioshack because my brother wanted something there and we were going to help him out (since we were awake already). So we waited in line there too because it didn't open until 5:30. When it opened fortunately there weren't too many ahead of me and we got in and out quick. We went home and got some sleep, but then my mom wanted to go and saw what we had and was jealous so she wanted to go see if she could find some stuff too. So we went back. Back to KOHL'S. We later went to vistit my grandparents the Hafers' and saw their new house. Afterwards we went to the temple and that was a nice experience as always. That night the Jazz beat the Lakers though :) and Boise State lost in overtime :( it was a good game at least.
Saturday my grandparents, the Gygis', had rented out this place where we all came together for the whole day with all the aunts uncles and everyone. I ended up spending a lot of time building a puzzle and Jan went and looked for engagement clothes. I went at the end and looked at what she had found though. The BYU and Utah game was on as well. Good game. Started out rough though with neither team really playing.
Sunday we packed up and came home. Once again a long drive because this time it had even snowed in St George and the roads were really bad and we had to go slow the whole way home. It took us forever, but the windshield wipers worked. It was a good weekend. :)